
HISTRY OF ANIMATION : A TRUTH STORY OF INDIAN ANIMATION Early Animators: The Films Division and Governmental SupportWhen we think of what is happening in Indian animation today and try to take a critical look at it throughout the country, our first attempt must be a look back at the past. It is ultimately the past which creates the present, so to understand the present let us go back to its roots, way back to the dawn of Indian Cinema. As early as the beginning of the 20th century, a first attempt at animation was made by one of the founders of Indian Cinema, Dadasaheb Phalke, who used match sticks and a stop-motion camera to create a short film which was never released. In a book published by the Directorate of Film Festivals, New Delhi in 1981, edited by Rani Day Burra, an animation script writer and film-maker in later years herself, we hear Phalke speaking out as early as 1917, "I was well up in all the arts and crafts that go toward making a motion picture -- drawing, paintin


The Indian Animation Industry has found a mentor. FICCI, India’s apex chamber of commerce, has put its support behind this new economy entertainment sector. India has produced animation sporadically for 83 years and steadily for more than half that time, facts that are generally buried beneath the hoopla given the popular and gargantuan feature film industry. This relative obscurity may be about to change as foreign animation houses move further into Asia to mine inexpensive labour pools. As Indian television channels proliferate and demand large chunks of programming and as domestic studios and training centres open up to serve these and other needs. The Indian Animation Industry has found a mentor. FICCI, India’s apex chamber of commerce, has put its weight behind this new economy entertainment sector. India has produced animation sporadically for 83 years and steadily for more than half that time, facts that are generally buried beneath the hoopla given the popular and gargantuan fe